Dental Implants FAQ

Here’s Some of the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Impants:-


What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are devices fixed into the jaw to reinstate a person’s ability to chew food and retain dental aesthetics.

What are the Types of Dental Implants?

There are two main types of dental implants: endosteal and subperiosteal implants. Endosteal implants are surgically fixed into the jaw, while the subperiosteal implant is placed above your jawbone.

What are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

The benefits of dental implants include restoring chewing ability and visual appearance, preventing the shrinking of the jawbone caused by bone loss, keeping adjacent teeth stable, and maintaining the health of adjacent gums and bones.

What are the Downsides or Cons of Dental Implants?

Dental implants involve a long surgical process, take time to heal, and fuse with the jawbone, which causes pain or discomfort, may need additional surgical procedures, have a risk for infections, and are costly. Patients with dental implants must notify imaging technicians before X-ray or Magnetic Resonance Imaging procedures, as the implants may distort the images.

What are the Side Effects of Dental Implants?

There are short-term and long-term side effects. Short-term side effects include pain, discomfort, and swelling caused by bruised skin and gums. Long-term side effects include infections at the site of the implant, nerve damage which can cause numbness, implant rejection, and sinus complications.

What Happens in the First Week of Getting Dental Implants?

You are likely to experience pain or discomfort, which pain-relievers can manage. It is important to follow your dentist’s aftercare plan.

What are the Uses of Dental Implants?

Dental implants restore your ability to chew food properly and maintain cosmetics.

What is the Process of Dental Implants?

The surgery starts with an initial comprehensive evaluation that includes a physical examination, x-ray imaging, and documenting your medical history. The next steps are; to sedate, extract the decayed tooth, if any, perform bone grafting, fix the dental implant, and allow osseointegration which is the process of implant integration with the jaw bone. Finally, an abutment or dental crown is placed on the implant.

How Long Does Implant Surgery Take?

It takes about thirty minutes to an hour for each implant. However, each step of dental implant surgery takes a different time. Evaluation takes about an hour. Tooth extractions take up to 10 days to heal. Bone grafting, if performed, takes a few hours to perform and about 4-6 months to heal. Osseointegration takes three to six months to heal, and placing the artificial tooth takes about 50 minutes to an hour and a half.

What to Do After Getting Dental Implants?

Here are some things to do: get enough rest immediately after the surgery, manage pain, maintain oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly, follow the right diet (soft foods) and chew using the side that did not get the implant, stop smoking for about two months, and schedule regular check-ups with your dentist.

What Not to Do After Getting Dental Implants?

Avoid touching the implant, smoking, taking alcohol, excessive rinsing of the dental implant site, hot or hard foods, excessive intake of alcohol, and drinking hot using a straw.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

The cost of dental implants varies from one patient to the next. However, it ranges from $3000 – $4800 per implant.

How Long do Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants are designed to last for as long as you live, provided no post-op complications exist. However, you can replace dental crowns in 15 to 20 years.

Is a Dental Implant Painful?

The procedure is not painful because your dentist will use an anesthetic or sedative to numb the pain. After that, some pain will wane after about five days and can be managed by painkillers. See a dentist if you experience pain persisting for two weeks after the implant.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Dental Implant Surgery?

There are two stages of post-op recovery. The first stage is after the implant has been fixed. This takes between three to six months. The second stage is after the abutment is placed; this takes 1-2 weeks.

How Can I Speed Up Dental Implant Healing?

Some ways include: sticking to your dentist’s aftercare procedures, avoiding smoking or drinking alcohol, rinsing your mouth using salty water, staying hydrated, eating soft food rich in nutrients, placing ice packs on your cheeks for 20 minutes twice an hour, and maintaining good oral hygiene.

How Do I Know If My Dental Implant is Healing Correctly?

Pain around the dental implant area should be regressing by the day and non-existent in two weeks. You have no reason to be worried provided your gums are not swollen, you do not have severe pain or discomfort, you don’t have difficulty biting and chewing, and the implant is not loose.

When Can I Return to Work After Dental Implant Surgery?

You will need two days of rest before you get back to work. However, this is dependent on whether or not you are experiencing pain.

How Do I Prepare Gum for Dental Implants?

Brush and floss regularly, eat a healthy diet, and get a thorough dental examination.

Who are the Best Candidates for Dental Implants?

People who have experienced tooth loss or decayed teeth that must be extracted and have adequate bone density for anchorage are perfect candidates. A dentist will perform a bone graft if there is insufficient bone.

Who Should Not Get Dental Implants?

Pregnant women, people with compromised or weak immunity, people on blood-thinning medication or treatment that uses radiation, and children should not get dental implants.

How Many Teeth Can You Put on One Implant?

One implant can be used for two missing teeth at most. This happens mostly with front teeth because of their narrower width; front teeth aren’t subjected to as much force as molars.

What’s better: Root Canal or Dental Implant?

A root canal replaces the bacteria-infected pulp with a filler material. A dental implant procedure involves removing an existing tooth and fixing an implant. A root canal is cheaper, takes less time, has fewer post-procedure complications, and is less painful than a dental implant. Most insurance companies do not cover dental implants; most cover root canals. Our dentist will advise on the most appropriate procedure after a comprehensive examination and diagnosis.

Can Implant Teeth Fall Out?

Implant teeth can fall out if they are not properly fixed, there is insufficient bone density, or if the patient did not take good care after the procedure. However, this is rare.

How Long After Extraction Can I Get Dental Implants?

You have three options: immediate, early, or delayed implants after extraction. Immediate is placed just after the extraction is done. This means you will not have to undergo a second surgery. Early is done two to three months after extraction. It is done to allow your gums to heal correctly. Delayed is performed beyond three months after the extraction if you have advanced periodontitis, damaged oral tissues, or other forms of oral trauma.

Is 70 too Old for Dental Implants?

Save for children; age is not a factor when establishing whether a patient is a suitable candidate for dental implants. The most important factors are overall health, bone density, and the state of gums and teeth.

What is better: Implant or Bridge?

Dental bridges are false teeth secured in place by the teeth adjacent to your missing tooth. Dental bridges are cheaper, about $500 per tooth, than implants, are covered by most insurance companies, are less painful, and are non-invasive compared to dental implants. However, dental implants last for a lifetime compared to bridges which are replaced after about ten years.

Can I Drive Home After Getting Dental Implants?

You are highly encouraged to avoid driving yourself or operating heavy machinery after getting dental implants. The effects of sedation may still be present, putting you and other road users at risk.

What is the Best Time for Dental Implants?

The time depends on whether you have extracted a tooth, your general and oral health state, and when it is good for you.

Can your Mouth Reject an Implant?

Yes, but the chances are minimal. Reasons for rejection could include genetics, allergies, poor or negligent oral hygiene, bone loss, hypersensitive reactions, and strict failure to adhere to your dentist’s post-op aftercare procedures.

Why Am I So Tired After Getting a Dental Implant?

The longevity of the procedure and the use of sedatives and anesthetics are the common causes of fatigue after a dental implant. However, you should be okay after the first 24 hours.

Does your Face Swell After Getting Dental Implants?

Yes. Swelling is caused by the build-up of fluids in tissues and can be reduced by placing ice on your cheek. Swelling should reduce after 36 hours.

What are the Signs of Implant Failure?

Severe pain two weeks after the surgery, loose or protruding implant, infection, unusual redness and inflammation of gums, bone loss, and itchiness around the implant area.

Do comment your questions related to Dental Implants. We will answer them as soon as possible!

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